Volunteer Adopt Foster

Category:Sick Bunny

Thank you Petsville!

March 27, 2024

A big thanks to the Petsville Animal Hospital for hosting our vaccination clinic March 26th! A gigantic thanks to Dr Satveer and all the staff for…

300 Shelter Rabbits Vaccinated!

January 30, 2024

Exactly 300 bunnies at our Richmond shelter on Sunday and another 53 at the Bunny Cafe on the previous Thursday thanks the awesome Dr. Ryan…

Update: Jerry

June 22, 2019

Our big boy Jerry, who had abscess surgery recently, is still recuperating but doing well. He’s quite content in his foster home, and has finally…

URGENT: Fundraiser for RHDV2 Vaccine!

April 10, 2019

RHDV2 killed thousands of rabbits last year and it’s still lurking in the environment.  We vaccinated close to 400 rabbits and they all need booster…

Vlad Update

February 22, 2019

Vlad waiting pensively at Apex for the re-check on his jaw abscess with osteomyelitis… it’s good news! Healing is on track, he’ll finish his course…

Gilbert Update

February 14, 2019

Gilbert is an incredibly sweet boy who now has a new “pad” thanks to Zane‘s Zoo Michaels! ❤️ He is now able to walk forward, not just…


February 12, 2019

Poor Vlad, his jaw abscess came back with a vengeance, and part of his jawbone is now gone and I’ll be cleaning and packing his abscess site…

RIP Noah

January 26, 2019

RIP Noah. We had Noah, one of the dozen New Zealand white bunnies we took in from Coquitlam, in for a dental a few days ago…

Rescue Story: Gilbert

January 25, 2019

This is Gilbert. One of our volunteers spotted him falling over (on Gilbert St in Richmond) and another volunteer went out and caught him. (Thank…

Chip Doing Well!

January 18, 2019

New foster mom Rae (who is also taking great care of Trooper, our amputee boy) reports that tilted bunny Chip did very well after his…

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