Things aren’t working out for poor Hershey at the shelter. He’s quite possibly our friendliest, most personable rabbit (he’s our best Yoga bunny), but he hates being locked up, he’s a free-run-bun kinda guy. Double but… he really doesn’t get along well with other bunnies. We tried him in the adoptables colony where he could have lots of space. It worked out for a couple of weeks, but he was being a bit of a putz and some-bunny finally told him off with a bite on his eye. So now he’s on his own and locked up again. So Hershey needs a home. All the volunteers wants to adopt him, but we have either no free room or we have other bunnies he won’t get along with. Hershey does nip when he’s annoyed, but if you behave yourself, he’s the greatest bunny ever. Somebody REALLY needs to adopt him. (And bring him back for visits and yoga events!)

UPDATE: Hershey has a new home! One of our favourite adopters, Zane, fell in love with his story and offered up half a bedroom for our little love bug. He’s close by, so we will still be able to visit him AND pick him up for Bunny Yoga and the other events. He’ll still be our rock star.  Thanks Zane!

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