This year’s Easter celebrations were a bit different due to COVID-19. Instead of our usual Easter festivities, we came up with two new ideas to support our fundraising efforts during this unprecedented time:

  • The Easter Bunny left a basket of goodies on doorsteps, and waved to families from outside!
  • Secondly, we brought some real live Rabbitats bunnies to families’ yard, where families fed our bunnies healthy treats!

Over the span of two days during the Easter long weekend, our volunteers set out to bring some Easter delight to some families in the Lower Mainland (following safety procedures of course – see end of post for details).

We thank all of the families for their support and donations to Rabbitats during this time. As well, thank you to our volunteers who went out to visit these families!

*Please note all necessary precautions were implemented during this event:

  • Rabbitats volunteers wore masks and gloves
  • Equipment was sanitized before and after
  • Families had to sanitize their hands before interacting with our bunnies
  • A safe distance was maintained between volunteers and family members

We would also like to thank Richmond News and Global News for their coverage on this event.

To have Rabbitats at one of your future events, please visit this page and email

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