Meet Easter and Uno. Easter was a scraggly dumped white rabbit living right beside a very busy road our volunteers have been keeping an eye on. We don’t have the room or the funds to take her but when she stopped eating and started looking even worse for wear, we figured we’d squeeze her in somehow, even if it meant separating her from her mate, Uno (named for his one white paw). As it turned out, both Easter and Uno almost immediately came hopping into our net and *poof*, we have two more rabbits. Good news for Easter and bad news for us, she’s probably looking so rough because she’s pregnant. PS: She really is a white rabbit, she’s just covered in boy spray. (Ick!) If you can donate towards their spay and neuter (and the spay/neuters of any babies) we’d appreciate it. We CAN’T keep taking on rabbits like this without your support. Here’s a link:

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