Thanks to a very generous donation that surprised us yesterday, we now have enough to pay for all our rabbits.  (And thanks SO much not only to our anonymous donor, but to all of you who helped!) If you’re part of our foster, volunteer or colony adoption program, we’re putting together the lists and locations. It’s going to be a huge coordination task, so please be patient! Our most at-risk rabbits will be done first, and that will be the colony rabbits in high traffic areas and those outdoors. House rabbits are not at much of a risk at this time especially those far away from Richmond. We will be helping out our active volunteers caring for our colonies sooner than later, but others will depend on logistics. We need to vaccinate in groups of 45 to 50. Another shipment will be in by the end of May, we will be ordering as much as will be affordable. If you haven’t already been in contact with Deanna, please send a note to or post a message on the Rabbitats page. People with small numbers of rabbits will need top opening carriers or other containers, we will not be taking the rabbits out of their carrying cases. If you don’t have one, please borrow one if you can. Also, please keep your eye on thrift stores, etcetera. We won’t want hay, food or bowls with the bunnies, just a towel in the bottom of the case will suffice. More info as we get this organized.…/first-batch-of-vaccine-for-deadly…

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