In January of 2016, Thumbelina was rescued from a burrow by Rabbitats. Although burrows are a natural habitat for rabbits, it is quite dangerous once the rabbits venture out of the burrow and into the city. Rabbitats picked the name Thumbelina because she was the smallest of the litter.

Baby Thumbelina and her siblings after being rescued. A Rabbitats volunteer hand raised them before they were all put up for adoption.

The same Rabbitats volunteer who rescued Thumbelina and her siblings hand raised them for about 6 weeks. Sadly, Thumbelina bounced from home to home, and spent some time in the Rabbitats shelter before finding her forever home with Sophia and her husbun, Timmy Tyson Leo.

Thumbelina and her husbun first met at a bunny speed dating event held at Rabbitats. The two of them fell in love at first sight. Thumbelina was adopted in August of 2016, being 8 months old at the time.

Understandably, Thumbelina was scared and skittish when she was first brought home. Poor Thumbelina had gone through so much in her baby months already. After about a year, Thumbelina finally felt comfortable to be her true, sassy self! Now, Thumbelina enjoys to zoom and binky around the home, sleep in her favourite cardboard box with Timmy, twitch her butt while eating bananas, and purring while getting massages from Sophia.

Like most couples (whether it be bunnies or humans), Thumbelina and Timmy have gotten into some arguments. Thumbelina definitely likes to be the lead in their relationship, and gets upset at Timmy when he tries to dominate her every few months! She is one boss bunny and makes sure her husbun knows it.

Thumbelina enjoys chasing Timmy around, and then cuddling with him the next moment. There is never a dull moment in their relationship!

With that said, Thumbelina is also very loving towards Timmy. For example, Timmy has to go to the vet more often due to a teary eye or skin condition. She always accompanies him to the vet, making sure he does not feel scared. After the appointment, she will lick and groom the area that was previously bothering him.

Thumbelina (left) and her husbun Timmy (right)

If there’s one thing Sophia learned about adopting Thumbelina, it is the importance of bonding her bunnies. Just like humans, rabbits are social creatures. When Sophia only had Timmy, she noticed that he was more lazy, did not like to eat much hay, or be social towards humans.

After they met and bonded, Timmy is now a happier bunny and enjoys human companion and cuddles with Thumbelina. The two of them need each other and complete one another.

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