Thanks so much to Urban Pets for giving us space for our bunnies! We are housing our adoptables colony there (31 rabbits). They were in a barn in Delta, a concern because flies are capable of spreading the recent outbreak of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease. The virus was found on Annacis Island in Delta over five weeks ago. Thankfully it didn’t spread, however the virus is still very active in the Nanaimo area on Vancouver Island. It also may have spread to Comox an hour north of Nanaimo so there’s always a danger it will reappear here. We have a much better chance of keeping our bunnies safe at their store on Granville. People are welcome to drop by and visit, although they’ll only be able to say hi to the bunnies through a window, the virus can also be tracked on shoes and clothing. Urban Pets are new to the building. It used to be occupied by a pretty bad pet store selling live animals, which they subsequently abandoned there. The Urban Pets people have come in with an adoption-friendly plan, and they won’t be carrying live animals in future unless they are under the auspices of a rescue. Our rabbits will likely be up for adoption at that location but only after the rabbit virus is no longer a threat. The store used to be a garden centre so we’re hoping to be able to build an enclosure and move more of our rabbits to their awesome back area. Please support this store, and please come to our Easter Bunny Fest there on April 1st!
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Urgent Sick Bunny Fund Call Out!
This poor abandoned bunny has now been rescued from the snow, but has a broken or dislocated leg and an eye infection and urgently needs to get to a vet! Our Sick Bunny Fund is at the lowest point in a year, if not our lowest point in history. We can't afford this without your help! Thanks so much to rescuer Kailey. ❤ We're closed for intake, without her this little girl or guy probably wouldn't have survived at all. :(
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We need to get rabbits out of cages, or at least the cages into homes where they'll get some attention and lessen the load for our volunteers until we can move rabbits back outside. 🥶 Please spread the word! Questions? Email ... See MoreSee Less

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