You find the darndest things visiting Jericho Beach. This little guy was alone on a path, no family in sight. He wasn’t breathing and was cold as ice, but the two girls who found him heroically tried to warm him up and he eventually he started breathing at first intermittently and then regularly. <whew> They took him home to Burnaby and on the advice of Pet Food n’ More’s Julie, messaged us. We gave her some advice and volunteer Karen Chan is now kindly driving all the way to Richmond to pick up some rabbit milk and some of the rabbit hair Deanna’s been collecting to keep the baby warm and is taking it to them in Burnaby. The baby is seems okay so far, he’s now actively squirming, pooping and peeing. We know a fellow whose young bunnies turned out to be older than thought, the girl gave birth to four babies, so maybe that mom can foster this baby, we’re going to ask. This baby’s going to need some luck and good wishes!

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