Sad to say we lost Tigger, our broken leg bunny.  We’ve been trying to get a chance to update everybody all week, but his status was changing so fast by the time a post was ready, it was old news. Tigger had obviously been hit by a car. One leg was badly broken and the other dislocated. He spent a week at Little Paws after amputation surgery, they were trying to put some weight on him, he was so bony.   He finally started eating hay and his poops were looking lovely, so he was deemed well enough to go to his foster home with Oscar, the wonderful fellow who found him.   Oscar’s home was the perfect choice considering he previously rescued a wobbly girl bunny who would have been the perfect companion for Tigger. Unfortunately just a day later he again lost his appetite, ended up back at Little Paws and crashed pretty rapidly.  We can’t begin to thank everybody for their support of this little bunny. So sorry it wasn’t a better outcome. Special thanks to the major effort put in by the staff at Little Paws, and of course Deanna.  

RIP Tigger.  

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