We’re on the front page of the Richmond News today. There’s an editorial on Page 3 and a story on Pages 30 and 31. It’s very accurate.

Note 1: We’re not asking for a city-run sanctuary, we’re only looking for enough support to allow us to help the rabbits, however, under the current provincial government rules, if the City (or RAPS) took in rabbits, they would have to run a sanctuary. The rabbits are still considered wildlife and while we are all allowed to trap and possess them, the rules prohibit any of us from transferring them elsewhere. The rabbit issues in BC directly relate to the failure of governments to control them in the first place, and the governments are still making the problem worse.

Note 2: Rabbitats does not support a lethal cull, but the rabbits need to be controlled, and getting the governments on board with that is the first step. Redirecting the funds from lethal to rescue is the next step. The budgets exist be they from redirecting the funds currently spent on repairing the damage to landscaping or redirecting the funds proposed to pay to staff or wildlife control companies.

Richmond News Article (Page 30-31)


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