Horrible news out of Vancouver Island. They have confirmed an outbreak of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD). This is incredibly contagious and deadly. Please keep your rabbits indoors. There is no word yet if the virus is naturally occurring or released by someone as a method of pest control. The deaths have occurred in area heavily populated by the feral domestic rabbits considered pests, but the virus is also occurs naturally when this kind of density exists. We’re reaching out for more information.


Rabbitats, more so than any other rescue, can be affected by this. We will start taking immediate precautions and hope the virus dies out before it hits the mainland. Our thoughts and prayers to our rabbit friends on the Island.


More info on the RHD outbreak… (Please note that the date mentioned in this video is likely wrong, Dr. Walton posted that he was going by second hand info when he said it was Feb. 18th, the Nanaimo News story pegged it as Feb. 27th, so that’s the probable date of the first deaths).

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