Here’s little ‘Joel’, the bunny stuck on the top level of a Vancouver parkade, going home with foster family Joe and Nicole.

June 12, 2019
Here’s little ‘Joel’, the bunny stuck on the top level of a Vancouver parkade, going home with foster family Joe and Nicole.
Urgent Sick Bunny Fund Call Out!
This poor abandoned bunny has now been rescued from the snow, but has a broken or dislocated leg and an eye infection and urgently needs to get to a vet! Our Sick Bunny Fund is at the lowest point in a year, if not our lowest point in history. We can't afford this without your help! Thanks so much to rescuer Kailey. ❤ We're closed for intake, without her this little girl or guy probably wouldn't have survived at all. :(
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We need to get rabbits out of cages, or at least the cages into homes where they'll get some attention and lessen the load for our volunteers until we can move rabbits back outside. 🥶 Please spread the word! Questions? Email ... See MoreSee Less
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Rabbitats is a volunteer-run charity that survives off the donations of wonderful people like you. Every cent we receive goes towards rescuing feral and abandoned rabbits: paying for veterinary care, finding good homes, and building sanctuaries.
Rabbitats is a registered charity, #715079695 RR 0001