So we sent Bugs off to what we thought was a great home earlier in the year, he didn’t agree. He made a point of getting out of his outside playtime pen and wouldn’t come back. His family figured he was happier being feral. A couple of weeks ago, he was picked up by animal control (thank you Coquitlam!) two blocks from his house, they traced his tattoo to us. His humans didn’t tell us he was missing, so he wasn’t going back there. (Adopters are contractually obligated to keep rescues updated in these cases). We were going to put him with the a feral colony but he didn’t want that either. He had never gotten along with the rest of his ‘gang’ — nine other rabbits dumped at our door in boxes all in the same week. Recently he was introduced to a previously feral girl rescued by a very nice fellow, and that seems to be the ticket. He’s settling in nicely as a house bunny, friendly and happy.


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