Sweetpea was found only a few days old with extremely infected eyes. The infection was so bad in fact, the vet did not think there was any salvageable eyeballs behind all the infection. Nonetheless, her foster home syringe fed her formula (as she was too young to be away from mom, but mom was no where to be found) and cleaned her eyes multiple times a day. It was a roller coaster ride of not knowing if she would make it or not, but she is a little fighter. Turns out she did have eyeballs after all! Yay! After months of persistent cleanings, medications and hand-feeding, this sweet girl made a full recovery. She is still partially-sighted, but you would have no idea by the way she binkys and runs around the house. Her foster mom adopted her as they became very close after all that time spent together.

Sweetpea lives in a home with 4 other rabbits (including Buns + JJ), and co-habits a space with her two bunny-friends. She LOVES to clean her siblings eyes. Her foster parents believe that is how she shows her love, as that was how she was shown love as a baby! She still enjoys getting her eyes cleaned by her humans, but prefers to give them kisses. She loves to give kisses! Sweetpea is a very adventurous girl and is always getting into trouble.